October 18, 2022 1 min read

HSBlox, Inc., the leading provider of value-based care (#VBC) program administration in healthcare, and global digital engineering services powerhouse Apexon have partnered to provide the infrastructure necessary for #HealthPlans | #Payers and providers to implement VBC.

"Value-based care requires an integrated digital infrastructure that connects and supports all stakeholders in a VBC network," said Rahul SharmaHSBlox, Inc co-founder and CEO. "Our VBA platform and Apexon's digital services and analytics capabilities will help payers and providers realize the goals of VBC to improve patient outcomes while reducing costs."


Read the full article here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6988214138703331328/?midToken=AQF_Tgg4nGypIA&midSig=28fiOlyolsJWs1&trk=eml-email_notification_single_mentioned_you_in_this_01-notifications-1-hero%7Ecard%7Efeed&trkEmail=eml-email_notification_single_mentioned_you_in_this_01-notifications-1-hero%7Ecard%7Efeed-null-cbrdw%7El9ekvthq%7Elb-null-voyagerOffline